SF Gratia Fall Retreat Concludes with Eagerness for Treasures in Heaven

  On Sunday October 6, San Francisco Gratia Church concluded its Fall Retreat which lasted three days in Concord, CA. The final day of the retreat was full of grace as members had Bible Studies, Sunday Service, Communion, praise, fellowship, and testimony. As Bible Studies focused on the Sermon on the Mount, members testified feeling as if they were in the Kingdom of Heaven during the retreat. During the Sunday Service, Pastor Peter covered the law and piety of the Kingdom of Heaven from Matthew 5-6. Retreat attendees then broke up in small groups where small group leaders The retreat also featured a communion service, where recently baptized members of the Church were able to participate in for the first time. There was also plenty of praise and fellowship throughout the day as members enjoyed time together. The retreat ended with almost every single retreat attendee giving testimony this time.

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Grace-Filled Summer Retreat Held in St. Louis, Missouri

From August 31 to September 1, a summer retreat was held in St. Louis, Missouri. The retreat was centered around Galatians 6:14, which states, “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” During the retreat, participants had the opportunity to deeply study and reflect on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians. On the opening day, Pastor Mark delivered a sermon based on Galatians 3:1-5, urging the congregation to never lose sight of the cross and to make it the center of their lives. In the book of Galatians, Paul rebukes the Galatian believers for losing focus on the cross and returning to legalism. Paul strongly emphasizes that the image of Christ crucified is the true essence of the gospel, and when we lose sight of the cross, we are drawn

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Weekly Presbytery Meeting

OS USA weekly presbytery meeting will be held to report their progress and discuss the plans and strategies of church administration and evangelism.

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Weekly Presbytery Meeting

OS USA weekly presbytery meeting will be held to report their progress and discuss the plans and strategies of church administration and evangelism.

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Weekly Presbytery Meeting

OS USA weekly presbytery meeting will be held to report their progress and discuss the plans and strategies of church administration and evangelism.

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Weekly Presbytery Meeting

OS USA weekly presbytery meeting will be held to report their progress and discuss the plans and strategies of church administration and evangelism.

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Monthly Mission Meeting

OS USA monthly mission meeting will be held designed to discuss the plans and strategy of evangelism, church planting and administration.

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Summer Retreat

The presbyteries of the Olivet Assembly United States and Canada (OA USA & CA) are preparing to host their annual summer retreats.

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Jubilee World Celebrates 22nd General Assembly with Grand Festivities in St. Louis

Jubilee World celebrated its 22nd General Assembly from July 8-10 at its headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. This significant event took place in the recently renovated chapel, which welcomed leaders, members, and guests to commemorate over two decades of divine accomplishments. The General Assembly was a vibrant celebration, featuring music workshops and a concert that showcased the diverse talents within the ministry. Attendees experienced a blend of learning and worship, united by a shared passion for music and faith. The event highlighted the remarkable journey of Jubilee World and its steadfast dedication to its vision: to restore the center of the world of music to God, as inspired by Ephesians 4:6 – “one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Throughout the three-day gathering, participants reflected on the profound impact Jubilee World has had over the past 22 years. The ministry’s leaders

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United States Olivet Assembly Prioritizes Training Bible Teachers Nationwide

In line with the Pentecost initiative aimed at spreading salvation by deploying new missionaries across all 50 states, the United States Olivet Assembly (OAUSA) is concurrently focusing on bolstering its educational infrastructure to ensure widespread access to biblical teachings. OAUSA is actively leveraging various resources to fortify its Bible education core and cultivate proficient Bible teachers across the nation. St. Louis Project for New Bible Teachers In St. Louis, Immanuel Church has initiated a project to identify and recruit passionate individuals who can undergo training to become Bible teachers. Upon completion of training, these new teachers will be deployed to educate the anticipated influx of attendees post-Pentecost. Additionally, efforts are underway to assemble a team of online instructors from across the U.S. churches to support not only the St. Louis mission but also the broader national evangelism campaign. Education Committee of OAUSA has compiled a comprehensive list of Bible studies

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